


Improve On the Move betekent voor mij een geweldige reis maken en onderweg wijzer worden door nieuwe kennis en kunde. Dat is ook wat ik anderen te bieden heb.

Onderwerpen waarin ik trainingen aanbied zijn onder andere;

  • Fear Free werken
  • Het assistenten spreekuur
  • PR & marketing voor het hele team in de dierenartsenpraktijk.

Op dit moment is dit online en bij u op locatie mogelijk 

Ook voor scholen is dit een perfecte basis voor de studenten om mee aan de slag te kunnen in de praktijk.

Training 4 practices (Mijn Dierenarts) to implement Fear Free. 

Esther introduced our 4 practices (Arnhem Nederrijn, Arnhem Presikhaaf, Oosterbeek en Groesbeek)  with working Fear Free. She has taken us into her infectious enthusiasm, is hugely involved and always available for questions. Esther is really thinking along and gives us many practical tips which are aimed at our own specific situation.. We already had a base for working Fear Free, but Esther gave us all, together with the Fear Free program, a huge boost to go further with it. Also, Esther showed us how we can work optimally and make us of this way of working. In short; highly recommended.

Inge Danen, Veterinarian vet-practice Nederrijn

Half a year later the reaction of  Harald Salomons. Dierenarts/Clinical Director Cluster Arnhem; We are really happy with the training and working Fear Free. Animals, owners and our staff are really enthusiastic! 


Besides being an experienced veterinary assistant, Esther also gives training on location. A while ago a number of our assistants and veterinarians at Dierenkliniek Ridderkerk also had a training from her. This training was about setting up junior checks on animals and the implementation of these checks by the assistants and veterinarians. We followed this training with her because at that time we were planning to set up a junior program and wanted to do it right the first time. She provided the tools for this. In addition to material to work with, she explained to us clearly how we could deal with this. Thanks to her, our junior program is now a great success! 

Cindy van Oort, Vet clinic Ridderkerk

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