

Because of time, distance or other circumstances on location lecturing is not always possible. So, webinars online are a beautiful solution to connect worldwide. Last year we all got used to connecting, learning and having fun this way. And it is really amazing how much wonderful people I have met during lectures I gave worldwide like in; Russia, Nepal, South-Africa, Czech republic and Slovakia. Teaching people is also learning yourself new skills and I am so great full for that. The opportunities are wide, because the group that is following the webinar can be small like training a company, school class trainings or big groups like world conferences.The subjects and lecture possibilities you can find on this website under: lectures.

Please contact me if you have questions or ideas. (I love jumping into new adventures and always looking for new projects)


Your presentation given for our veterinary doctors from Russia, has been magnificent! Clear, understandable and very useful information for the veterinarian. The videos have been impressive and show how planning the Fear Free concept in a clinic is simple but with great results, for the veterinarian, the pet owner and of course the most important, the pet. 

Thank you for your time, participation and professionalism.

DVM Kamilio Rivera, Director of Operation LAVC



As a recent graduate in the year when pandemic hit, starting working and volunteering with shelters in Nepal was all new for me. Out in the world where working with furry creatures,who did not understand I was trying to help them be better was hard, and that made work a little frustrating. Adding to the stress and increasing fear was never my intention, but could also rarely be avoided. Fear Free webinar has introduced me to new ways to handle my patients better and create a compatible environment for everyone. Can not wait to embark on this new world of fear free journey . Thank you Esther for you lecture, I understood your every words and the knowledge you wished to transfer reached the destination in my brain successfully.
Iebu Devkota Nepal vet

Czech Republic & Slovakia

I had the opportunity to work with Esther on a webinar for veterinarians and nurses. All the time, I had a very good communication with Esther, we agreed on everything and in addition, it was fun during our calls. The webinar itself was a great success. Esther can speak very engagingly and in a very clear way. She often speaks from her experiences and obviously she has a lot of them. She can attract everyone with her speaking and you're waiting for what else you can learn from her :) Personally, I am really looking forward to further cooperation with Esther and I firmly believe that we will meet in person one day.

MVDr. Radka Čechová, Professional consulting veterinarian at Hill's Pet Nutrition in Czech Republic & Slovakia

Esther Klok is an absolute delight to work with. She is a charismatic, entertaining speaker with a wealth of experience. She inspires and encourages students in her talks. She always was very engaging and answered many questions from students.  She was extremely professional and thorough when her lectures were being organised. The connection, presentation etc was always checked in advance to ensure we operated like a well oiled machine.  On a personal level I really enjoyed working with Esther. Her passion for Fear Free and animal welfare is contagious. She was kind, warm and encouraging. I sincerely hope to have colleges like her in the future. 

Máirín-Rua Ní Aodha
Chair of the Standing Committee for Animal Welfare  2020-2021 International Veterinary Students' Association (IVSA)



When I heard this was a lecture on Communication, I thought, “Oh no, same old boring topic…” But this lecture was by Esther Klok, and that means that it is not your usual communication lecture.  It is fun, easy to understand and full of practical and easy ways to implement what we learn. Here was a lecture that actually took into account that we do not just communicate with each other, or with clients, but also with the animals we work with every day. Step by step Esther took each species we communicate with, each type of person, pet owner, colleagues, different age groups, and in easy to understand terms explained simple, clear communication. I love the fact that Esther explains why animals and people react in certain ways and why certain ways of communication is more effective for each type of person or animal we communicate with. Esther gives examples of how to communicate effectively and shows practical applications in practice and short videos to explain it all so clearly. And best of all – all the ideas and examples are easy to implement and not expensive – you just need to look at what you have to work with in your vet practice and you can make simple changes to make the experience positive for your animal patients, their owners and your colleagues. For a whole new way of thinking about communication and understanding effective communication, this lecture by Esther Klok is definitely worth watching. Thank you for a lecture that was worth listening to!  I wish it was much longer as I enjoyed it so much and learned so much. Thanks again – I hope we hear lots more of your lectures here in South Africa.  I really love your lectures and how easy it is to implement what you teach. You do wonderful work and teaching online means more of us can benefit from your knowledge.

Sr Theanette Staal